Follow the steps below to add additional materials to the current unit operation:

  1. Enter the amount and unit of the material to add, then start typing the name name of the desired material.

    While typing the material name, the materials type-ahead menu appears with proposed entries from the connected price lists. Either select one of the proposals, or just keep typing another name, followed by catalog number and price. Tip: You can also utilize the wild card symbol '*' for text fragment searches. In the example below, typing '*brom' will display all materials containing 'brom' anywhere in their name.

  2. Now continue entering all remaining unit operation materials, either from scratch or by utilizing above type-ahead menu. When done entering materials, the table might look like below:

Important: Avoid entering all step materials into this first unit operation - adding the next unit operation is just a mouse click away (see next section) and adds significant additional synthetic process information with minimum effort - see the next topic.