So far the highest level of experiment organization in Espresso ELN was the project level. However, with a growing number of projects, this often became insufficient. Now all projects can be organized into categories, which opens new and powerful possibilities: A contract manufacturer might organize his projects by customer (first image), while Discovery and Process Research might organize their projects by a common synthetic target or research area  (second image):


Existing project categories can be renamed at any time by clicking their title label twice in succession (first click to select it, second to start editing). 


By default, all projects initially are assigned to a category titled 'Default Category', which can be renamed. To add a new project category, just click the 'Add Project Category' button in the toolbar above the experiments tree:


Enter the title of the new category and of its first project in the appearing dialog. If your organization internally shares experiment data via the Espresso ELN server database, if is highly recommended for later searches to agree on identical category titles for the same category.

Projects also can be moved across categories. To do this, right-click the desired project in the experiments tree and select the 'Move to Category' menu item. This will display a dialog where the target category can be selected from a drop down menu.