External Batch Registration
Product Batch Registration
Many organizations utilize dedicated third party software to keep track of their stored product samples (batches), which assigns a unique identification number to each sample after structure validation and other business logic. A workflow in this environment means entering product data first into the ELN protocol and then again into the third party registration system. Espresso ELN now allows to directly interact with such registration software to prevent duplicate data entry.
Espresso ELN allows to interact with your third party batch (or sample) registration system without leaving the ELN. This, however, requires that the interface between Espresso ELN and the third party system already has been set up by your IT. If you don't see the registration interface elements described below, no such interface is in place (or currently inaccessible).
Register Batch
In the experiment protocol, click the product entry you'd like to register as a batch:
The product detail panel opens. Make sure that the desired product properties are complete, then click the blue '[register]' link in the Product Data panel to the right.
That's it! The product was registered in the background, the detail panel closes, and the product summary now contains the batch-ID generated by your batch registration system, according to your business rules.
Update/Delete Batch
The properties of already registered batches can be updated. Just apply the desired modifications in the product details panel and click the 'Batch Update' button. Likewise, a batch also can be revoked (deleted), if registered by mistake. Click the 'Batch Delete' button to do so:
Registration Conflict Handling
The modification of already registered batches requires some precautions. Thus, you are warned when trying to remove an already registered product, either from the protocol, or by deleting or modifying its structure in the reaction sketch. If you continue after a warning, the batch will be deleted from the batch registration system.