The price list plays a central role in material cost calculations. It allows the rapid material entry in the materials table and ensures consistent prices within, as well as across multiple projects. Different price lists can be maintained (e.g. for small scale and bulk prices), and existing projects can be synchronized with updated price lists.

You will notice the price list content when entering materials into the materials table. While typing a material name, a type-ahead menu appears containing a filtered list of your current price list materials:

ChemProject comes with a demo price list containing fictional prices, so in practice you will have to set up your own list with material prices applying to your organization. 

ChemProject price lists are stored in encrypted form to protect sensitive corporate information, and can additionally be password protected to limit write-access to administrators, or to restrict general read-only access to specific user groups. By default, no user password is required to access an admin-controlled, read-only price list.

Read more about working with price lists in the Price List Panel topic.