
This topic demonstrates how to connect structures by snapping their atoms.

Step by Step

Let's assume you want to merge phenol (1) with cyclohexane to give the ether (3). To do this, first completely select (1) by dragging the mouse over it. Then drag the selection rectangle until the phenol oxygen atom overlaps the desired carbon atom on cyclohexane - the atom label will turn yellow on overlap (2). Then release the mouse button, which results in the merged product (3).

In above example, the heteroatom replaced the carbon atom. The rule is, that a heteroatom always replaces a carbon atom during snapping, no matter if it is in the dropped part or in the receiving part. If two heteroatoms are snapped, then the dropped one has precedence. The following example demonstrates these rules, as well as the ability to drop several centers at once:


Please note that while above example demonstrates the connection across separate structures, atom snapping also works within a structure.