A price list file can be connected to different contexts (Main, Custom or Draft, see below), in which it obtains different roles. The context of a price list can be changed at any time.

Main Prices

This is default price list type. If nothing else is specified, this is your personally maintained price list. If this is all you need you can skip the other price list type descriptions below, as well as the administrator topics in this chapter.

To open a price list in the Main Prices context, first make sure that you have selected the Main Prices side tab. Then click the Open toolbar button and select the desired price list file. The selected price list is remembered and automatically reconnected during the next application startup. To remove a price list from the Custom Prices context, click the Disconnect button in the toolbar.

Custom Prices

Custom Prices are combined with Main Prices in the materials type-ahead menu. This allows you to utilize a Custom price list as an independent personal database, e.g. when working with administrator controlled Main Prices. Or you can utilize it as a 'plug-in' for special categories of materials you would like to keep separate from Main Prices. Entries originating from the Custom Prices are marked in blue in the resulting materials dropdown.


To open a price list in the Custom Prices context, first make sure that you have selected the Custom Prices side tab. Then click the Open toolbar button and select the desired price list file. The selected price list is remembered and automatically reconnected during the next application startup. To remove a price list from the Custom Prices context, click the Disconnect button in the toolbar.

Since Custom Prices are always merged with Main Prices entries, ChemProject offers options for duplicate handling. Duplicates are identified as materials with the same source identifier (e.g. catalogNr). Whenever duplicates are found in Custom Prices, they are marked by a gray background, and a duplicates indicator along with the Remove Duplicates button appears in the toolbar. Since duplicates may be confusing in the materials dropdown, it is usually a good idea to remove them using this button.

Draft Prices

Draft Prices are ignored by the materials type-ahead menu. This provides you with a sandbox environment for working on a draft price list. After finalizing work on  a draft price list, it can opened in the Main Prices or the Custom Prices context if desired.

To open a price list in the Draft Prices context, first make sure that you have selected the Draft Prices side tab. Then click the Open toolbar button and select the desired price list file. This price list is remembered and automatically reconnected during the next application startup. To remove a price list from the Draft Prices context, click the Disconnect button in the toolbar.