Tools Menu
The Tools Menu is located in the main toolbar. It provides access to the functionalities listed below.
- Synchronize Prices: Allows to automatically update the material prices of the current project with the most recent price list data. For more details see the Synchronize Prices topic.
- Runs per Step: Determines the required production runs per volume limiting unit operation, based on the required and the actually available unit operation volumes. See the Runs per Step topic.
- Missing PMI Densities: The (optional) PMI calculations require that all materials are specified as weights, not volumes. This tool summarizes the materials specified as volumes which were not assigned a density for conversion and allows to assign the missing densities.
- Operating Times Summary: Summarizes all unit operation times of the project in a table. Missing assignments are marked by a light pink background and can be edited directly. A complete set of operating times is important for the (optional) VTOmin calculations.