Go to the Price List section of ChemProject, then click the Tools toolbar button. Depending on the type of price list opened, some menu items might be disabled in the appearing drop down menu:



Protect [or Deprotect]: 

Allows to protect a price list with an administrator password for read-write access, and/or a user password for group-specific read-only access. See the Securing Price Lists topic for more details. If the current price list already is protected, the menu title changes to Deprotect.

Reset Change Markers: 
To make recent changes to a price list transparent to users, changes are marked in yellow (modifications) and green (additions). These change markers are save along with the other price list content. Use this command to remove these markers completely, e.g. before performing a yearly price list update,

Import From Excel

Creates a new a price list from a price list in Microsoft Excel file format. Following columns must be present in the Excel sheet: Name, catalogNr, price, unit and density. The file is checked for errors before importing.

Export To Excel

Exports the current price list to a Microsoft Excel file.

Merge with Price List: 

Inserts the contents of a selected price list into the current one. If a material with the same source description (i.e. catalogNr) as an existing one is encountered, the price and name of the existing material are updated and no new material is inserted. 

Merge with Excel: 

Inserts the contents of a selected Microsoft Excel price list into the current one. If a material with the same source description (i.e. catalogNr) as an existing one is encountered, the price and name of the existing material are updated and no new material is inserted. 

Export As XML: 

Exports the price list content in XML format. XML is a well established, self-describing standard for database content in a pure text format which can be imported by a vast number of applications.